Friday, May 29, 2009

A World with Love

Summer around here is always such an adventure - the weather is so damn bipolar. For a few days, it was finally starting to get sunny and the skies were starting to get blue...and now it's been gloomy, gray, and rainy for the past few days.


I'm at work right now...this summer is going to be spent working & sleeping. On Mondays and Fridays, I work as an Office Assistant for the Center for Entrepreneurship, and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsay, I work as a Computer Assistant. It's actually been pretty fun...working 9-5 is pretty tiring, but I've been getting some good experience. I look forward to learning more about web graphics and design from my Computer Assistant job =D

I was reading New York Times today, and I stumbled upon their "One in 8 Million" collection thing. It's a collection of photos relating to a story. The one today was about a Chinese family that has 3 biological sons, and then they just adopted a little girl from Ethiopia. I thought the photos were lovely and the story was touching...if anyone's interested, here's the link =D

It's touching to see that there is still selfless love in the world. I think the family, and families like them are so wonderful.

As inspired by Christy...I made a list of things to do this summer too~ I like lists. They keep me more organized and remind me of what I have to do. Otherwise, I just forget things or lose motivation.

1. Make this into a more interactive blog
2. Change up my style...I feel like I look and act too immature sometimes. 20 is still young, but I feel like it's time I start maturing a bit.
3. Compose 2 new pieces
4. Design 2 new web layouts - one for Di's "Sleepy Panda Productions"
5. my ass off and maybe finally get the Canon Rebel DSLR XS (*drools* I've been debating getting this camera for the looongest tempted...)
6. Finish China Nite Skit
7. Plan out other China Nite stuff! Like getting sponsors to give money for costumes, plan performances, etc.
8. GO HOME and see all my LI loves~
9. Learn to cook! And bake!
10. Gain more weight so I don't look like a 12-year-old anymore =.=;; I'm getting way too unhealthily skinny haha.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Wide Screen Vision"

So I decided to give this whole blogging thing one more fo'reals. Now that it's summer and I don't have any studying to do, I must have time that I can devote to blogging...right? Right?

We'll see how it goes.

I decided to create a new blog for my restart into the blogging world. And also because the URL to my previous blog just didn't bring up good memories - I used a nickname that someone gave me a long time ago because I couldn't think of anything else. Unfortunately, that nickname has been tainted with some sour memories and unhappier times. So I'll just start over from scratch.

"Wide screen vision" - a friend (ahh sorry, I forget who!) used that phrase to refer to my eyes. I have pretty small eyes, even for an Asian - all those FML's about people who get accused of sleeping when they're actually awake? Yeah...story of my life. So thus, I adopted the phrase "widescreen vision" - my eyes are more horizontal than how a widescreen television plays out. Hehe :D I thought it was funny, so I decided to adopt it for my blog. I used to hate hate hate having small eyes...I used to get made fun of a lot for having little chinky eyes. And day everything changed. But that's for another time.

Wish me luck on starting this new blog ;)