I'm so excitedd, I get to go home soon! Back to real civilization and socialization! As much fun as being at school is (and I actually don't mean that sarcastically...well, maybe a little), I think I need to go home for a bit. I have an interview for an internship on Monday, and if all goes well, I might just be able to stay home the rest of the summer! Yay!
One good thing is that since there's nothing to do around here, I've had no choice but to try to be a little bit productive. One thing I did was start to practice cooking~ I'm trying to learn a couple recipes so that when I go home, I can cook for my family...and not kill them in the process =_=;;
So far I've made...
Pasta! With all my favorite things - beef, onions, garlic, and cheese!

Masaman Curry! I had Thai food for the first time at "King & I" and it was delicious!! So I tried making the curry myself with the leftover stuff in the fridge haha...used ground beef, carrots, onions, curry sauce, and coconut milk.
I didn't take a picture, so below is just one I found off the internet. But...it looks close enough!

I think I've made some progress, given that last year was the first time I ever made eggs myself...>_>;; I've been watching Tina cook and just looking up recipes online. I really enjoy cooking for people now! Going to keep learning haha.
Also made a video with people! We did a spoof of the movie "Drag Me to Hell" based on our lovely parking services here. I haaate watching myself in videos though, as well as seeing myself in pictures. I always feel like I look / sound so weird ahhh. But it turned out to be a good video nonetheless, due to Di's editing skills and Johnny's very enthustiastic acting haha.

Click to watch! :D
Ahh it's only 1:30. 3.5 more hours of work to go!