Went to Flushing today...screamed for 2 hours in karaoke. I love when people get into karaoke, it's so cute!!
Haha us dancing around in the large karaoke room. Surprisingly, a picture that I'm actually in that isn't one of those Asian self-portrait type shots. Sometimes it feels strange for me to see myself in photos that are candid haha I guess because I'm so used to being the one taking the pics.

One of the aforementioned Asian self-portrait shots. With one of my beloved Choi twins! We've had a lot of interesting experiences in our years of friendship (I still can't believe it's been years already...) but it's always fun to hang out and catch up. He's so much fun to tease because he gets embarrassed easily :D
I like being at home and catching up with friends and hanging out...I'm not ready to go back to the stresses of school and whatnot yet. Just thinking about China Nite approaching is enough to make me queasy....haha @_@
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